Year One
Following new guidance from the DfE and NCETM on the key areas to focus on in mathematics in year one, below are some of the ways that Spot On With Numbers can be used in the year one classroom:
1NF–1 Fluently add and subtract within 10
The video shows how Spot on With Numbers’ Pegs and Boards and visuals can be used to fluently add within 10 and covers how children can acquire the 66 facts included in the guidance. It shows a methodology of teaching which is in line with the way children learn, through making and exploring. It helps children to subitise, visualise, work flexibly with numbers and make connections, which are all important skills for later mathematical development. The clip demonstrates that although ready-to-progress criteria separates 1NF–1 and 1AS–2 (below), they are integrated and can be taught alongside one another.
1NF–2 Count forwards and backwards in multiples of 2, 5 and 10
The pegs and boards can be filled with groups of 2’s, 5’s or 10’s, although the visuals for 10s are normally best for counting in 10s. Click here for more information about how connections can be made between counting in 2s and doubling.
1AS–1 Compose and partition numbers to 1
Spot On With Numbers naturally partitions numbers, so children learn to see a whole number and its parts. Although Spot On With Numbers resources were not available when the guidance was written, they can be used to link to the recommended representations. Furthermore, they provide the opportunity to make links between the representations suggested.